Monday, May 25, 2009

Prelude, to the lewdness? (Nah, just normal crazery.)

The tweet widget is up, it's part of the website. Unfortunately I lost my iPhone yesterday, so tweets will not be appearing super frequently until it is replaced.

Today Gia and I went to the zoo. It was a lovely time. I have lots of pictures to sort through and the tigers (there were four of them) were being super social when we got there, so I have some pretty dope kitty pictures.

Also, instead of doing studio shots of me for the website I thought some environmental shots would be a bit more charming. So expect to see me with a monkey face and me on a hippo.


Ticktok said...


that sucks dude. Hope it turns up.

Absolute Kelvin said...

I really hope it turns up, but I think whoever found it decided to keep it.

(Which sucks, because it's passcoded so they're going to use it until it sits for a few hours and the passcode lock resets, then they'll sell it or break it or whatever.)